Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Band Pictures

This past weekend I took some pictures of the band.  I've posted two versions of one of the pictures on my flickr account.  You can see them here. I was finally able to get some use out of my flash equipment I had purchased over the summer.  Yeah!  We're going to work on some more band pictures in the near future and I'll post those when they're done.

On a related note, over the x-mas vacation I hope to update my photography website and when its done I'll let everyone know.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Pity the Kingly Fool

Ok. Here's the last song from my band's set at Martin's open mic Dec. 3rd. This song is called Pity the kingly fool (aka The beginning is a good place to start). At the moment this is probably my favorite song we have worked up so far.

Mr Mountain

Here's a video from the first song of my band's set at the open mic we played at Martin's on Dec. 3rd. The video quality is not great, but it gives you an idea of our music. This was our second public appearance; the first with our new singer Adam. I'm working on getting some more video up of the other songs. Plus the band's working on a myspace page which I'll forward the link to everyone once its finished. This song is called 'Mr. Mountain.' (formally known as song1)